Thursday, March 23, 2006

Today, so many things happened.
U.S. soldiers rescued three Christian peace activists in Iraq. Louisiana State University wrapped up Duke and sent them off in the basketball finals. Canberra, Australia was Wikipedia's featured article. A download-to-own movie service, the world's first, was announced by Universal pictures. A little girl bought a little book at a big bookstore.
And I started a blog.
And I hope to never use the word 'I' in it again. Probably unrealistic. Actually, I changed my mind. My true resolution is to avoid ranting and raving about my personal life. There.

I wonder if places have expiration dates, like food. If one overstays their time in a certain place, perhaps it tastes a little funny after, oh, the first week or month-- but then maybe turns sour. Gagging, dry-heaving sour. Why do people never tire of vacations? Because they are always fresh-picked, never stale, and leave a good flavor on the tongue. As soon as their consumption is finished, the dreams don their rose-colored glasses and remember in excess the good, allowing the bad to sift through, undigested. In any case, I think Baton Rouge is comparable to a fried monkey toe. The first bite is deceptive-batter, fat (the easy flavoring) and spices. Then you realize you are eating a monkey's toe, and you think 'What the hell am I doing, eating a monkey's toe?"

Yes. I live in Orteil de Singe, LA.
Does anyone have any gum?

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